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All is Flow

Greetings all, this post marks an ending and a beginning.  How apt for the Pisces New Moon day.

Pisces, being about endings, completion, surrender and New Moons being about seeding the new beginning of the next lunar cycle.

It feels to me that life these days is a lot about endings. The reverie, nostalgia, the sadness that are part and parcel of endings seem all-too familiar emotions to me.  So much has ended these past three years as our world has entered the birth canal of a major transition.  Personally and collectively, we have all come face to face with the loss and grief of something.  Today is symbolically and cosmically very much an ending time.  The Sun and the Moon in the sign of Pisces are telling us to finally let go now, in preparation for the new beginning of the solar year on March 21 – 0 degrees Aries.  Now is the time to seed the new by releasing the old.  It is a time to relinquish aspects of ourselves and our lives that have outgrown their usefulness. The days either side of the New Moon itself, (on the 19th or 20th depending on where you are), are part of this period of release.  These three days  are perfect to turn inward, to meditate, to tune in to our deepest intuitive voice and listen to what it has to say.  Contemplation is the Kosmos’ suggestion to us, as Saturn looms over the Sun and Moon at this New Moon.  Saturn, along with representing control structures, speaks of the need for self-discipline.  Contemplation, as distinct from day-dreaming, requires self-control because as we turn inward we are focusing our attention and this is no lackadaisical pursuit.  Not, that is, if we intend (and New Moons give us powerful intention energy) to mine our consciousness for something worthwhile. 

So what might your ending be? I can think of several. One ending, and in this case one not of my choosing and one I would have kept had I any say in the matter, is that of the social whirl of family and friends over a beautiful summer. (Then again, perhaps the body is ready for a break from wine and song, laughter and late nights.)  Maybe.  Summer is fading and loved ones have left – right on cue. It feels as if the seriousness of life is again beckoning and a glorious summer of happy days with people I love is retreating.  Some endings are forced on us. Others we choose.  But always, we get to choose our response to whatever is leaving our lives.  And so, my self-chosen discipline at this New Moon is to let go with a light heart.  As Lao Tsu said, all is flow.   A beautiful encapsulation of pure Pisces energy…..all of life is flow. Everything flows.  If we try to hold on to the flow, suffering is the result.  We feel the sensations of emotions (feelings) in our bodies and instantly thoughts are generated as we try to make sense of what we are feeling. This is the trap.  The mind begins to conjure stories and always these are backed by our unique conditioning.  Our regrets, guilt, sadness from past experiences and our anxieties and fears about the future. The mind is a wonderful and useful tool in helping us make sense of the past and prepare for the future but for most of us this aptitude becomes a curse as we suck energy from the present in our backward longing and forward projections.  Both take us out of the natural and healthy flow of this moment in time.  Can we intuit the truth of the sensations as they arise and allow them to flow by controlling the impulse to construct past and future stories around them? If we can do this, we discover the uncomfortable feelings of emotional sensation move through us and out; they dissolve. This is surrender. This is the energy of Pisces and this is our mission for these few days.

We need to re-mind ourselves that the stories we generate around our feelings are heavily conditioned by our past experiences. In other words, they are not truth.  In the philosophy of Tantra this is called second order reality.  First order reality, by contrast, is the pure awareness of consciousness before we have a thought about it. Can we be in this space? For example take the sensation of constriction in the heart area or sadness, when a loved one leaves.  Can we notice the sensation, breathe into it and clear our mind of all thought around it. Yes this takes discipline. We are so programmed to generate thoughts around whatever we are feeling that it has become deeply ingrained.  I’m here to remind you that you are supported now in re-programming your body-mind to break that habit.  This is the time of year for ending, releasing, surrendering, completing. The Sun moved into Pisces just yesterday. We have four weeks to maximise the energies in order to free ourselves of all that baggage that is sucking our energy and keeping us from the expansive beauty that is being in the flow.

I have several ideas for my new beginning, for the self-discipline I intend to muster in order to set in motion a positive new year.  I will use this Pisces New Moon energy however in releasing what no longer serves me in order to clear the decks in preparation for March 21.  Practically, this involves sitting in contemplation and meditation, quietening the busy mind and allowing whatever surfaces to come up, be felt, and then released – which happens naturally when no stories are involved. Much of what comes up is familiar, my own time-honoured reactions and responses to sensations evoked by memory or anxious projection. It is no simple thing to allow the flow to deliver up what it needs to in order to be digested.  But digest we must, if we are not to be held hostage by the fantasy of our stories. I will talk more of this in future posts. I’m learning too.

On another note, a reminder dear people, of the essence nature of Pisces.  Pisces is the most ‘spiritual’ of the signs – because it is about Oneness.  Unity, of all of life, is the deepest message of spirituality. Beneath the masks of our individual, separate egos, there is the oneness of our true nature. We are each nodes of conscious awareness. No different from the conscious awareness that is Shiva, Goddess, God, the Divine – whatever name you like.  We are part of the ground of being that is Shiva and the power of manifestation that is Shakti.  We are all One.  If we do no other practice than to sit in contemplation of the feeling of the consciousness flowing in our own bodies, free from any commentary on it, we will use the Pisces energy well. That consciousness is the consciousness of our creator. It is our essence nature.  It is our origin and our destination.

Let us take the time to sit in stillness and sense the reverence, the sacredness that is our divine consciousness.  Compassion and love are the  foundation of the conscious awareness of the Kosmos. If we can only release our habitual ego, with all its earnest striving to be special, to be noticed, to be separate, to survive (!) we will find ourselves in the freedom and flow of that pure love and compassion.

And so this is my Kosmic Medicine offering for now: surrender up your ego-self with its endless stories and defence mechanisms and wounds, scars, resentments; its samskaras (impressions). Let them all go and rest for a time in the peace and purity of the present – free from all attachment to past and future.  This is the most perfect time to take on this task.  We can be much freer and clearer by March 21, ready to seed our intentions for the year ahead.  The planets are moving us out of the age of Pisces (hallmarked by religious control, the gods of old that morphed into the new gods of money and science – equally if not more insidious) and into the age of Aquarius – with its overarching theme of power to the people!  If we to be up to the task of living as empowered loving beings, we all have some work to do in cutting the ties of mental and emotional control that have kept us captive these past two thousand years.

Intend it now. Intend love and compassion and the freedom of flowing with life.  The Goddess, pure loving consciousness, will support you.  Here is to 2023 being the year of our most profound personal empowerment. It is poised to begin.

With love and blessings from one messenger.

Til next time….

Solar People Power

silhouette of persons left hand

Solstice: From the Latin for Sun (Sol) and another word meaning ‘standing still’. We, here on planet Earth will all be experiencing the Solstice in a couple of days. The Summer Solstice occurs in this part of the world (New Zealand) on Thursday, December 22.  In the Northern Hemisphere of course, it will be the Winter Solstice – when the Sun stands still this week, and occur on the evening of the 21st.

The angle of the Sun striking the Earth determines our seasons and the zodiacal signs have their origins and deeper meaning in the seasons. Or put another way, the zodiac is based on the Earth’s angular relationship to the Sun, and that same relationship defines the seasons. The solstices mark significant turning points on our planet’s annual journey around the Sun in that they signify the two times in the year where the Sun’s angle of light reach its furthest point north or south.  As we know, the early Christian authorities composed the Jesus nativity narrative based on the earlier and ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia which was celebrated on the Winter Solstice and for the several days following it in which the Sun appeared to stand still. On the 25th of December, when the Sun began to move again, slowly arcing back to the north, it appeared the Sun (son) was ‘born again’ – symbolising the promise and hope of the renewal of life; redemption from the icy grip of the diminished life force of winter. And for the Christians, redemption itself.

Summer or Winter, the Solstice this week is worthy of our attention, our acknowledgement and perhaps our prayers and intentions. It is, as it always has been, a marker of change, a turning point. 

On the very day of the Solstice, when our Sun moves into the sign Capricorn, Jupiter will cross the Aries point (0 degrees Aries), which I will talk about in due course.  Capricorn has been much in focus over the past few years, playing host to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that kicked off the Virus mania and concomitant clamping down on our freedoms by the authorities.  Capricorn is of course ruled by Saturn and the archetypal grouping is about authority and structures of control in the physical realm.  With the two heavies of Saturn and Pluto in this part of the sky we have seen a mighty effort on the part of the ‘controllers’ to herd us all into subservience. (We are easier to control that way).  Saturn moved out of Capricorn in late 2020 and into Aquarius – the sign of ‘people power’….. but Pluto is still in the sign, though in the last degrees.  It will leave Capricorn finally in March of 2023. This means that we are gearing up for change.  Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 – on reflection the start of the amp up in the agenda for control of the people.  Pluto, as you may know or recall is the annihilator.  It is the agent for Scorpio’s need for transformation, healing and integration. Such profound processes seem to necessitate events of considerable magnitude – which makes sense. Transformation assumes the changing of forms. In the physical domain we are of course confined to material forms. We live in them. And we build and create them. When they change, we change.  Sometimes we choose the changes, sometimes they choose us.  I’m sure few of us would have freely and willingly chosen the ‘changes’ to our lives that the last three years have brought. Like it or not, we are being transformed.

In all of this we must not forget that the changes Pluto brings, harsh as they may be, are not designed to be change for the sake of change. They are ultimately about healing and integration. They are ultimately about the evolution of our consciousness.  It would be a mistake to think life before 2020 was a breeze and all was well on planet Earth. As with any significant change, a process is in motion for some time before the eruption. And there are always signs that things are bubbling under the surface, hinting all is not well.  Yet we carry on.  Most of us distracted by the daily business of life.

Many of us don’t like change. We become comfortable in our comfort zones and so we try to ignore the signs that change is pushing down on us. And then wammo!  Pluto makes a significant contact in the heavens, heralding the time is now! Just as in childbirth, a classic Scorpio/Pluto process, there is no going back…..the only way out is through.

So now, Pluto is poised to move out of the sign of control and authority and into the sign of people power. All the signs encompass and transcend the sign that went before it and so Aquarius, ideally, has internalized the need for control, which in its earlier stages requires outside authorities (in childhood in the form of parents and teachers and later the leaders and authorities of society) and with maturity and integration is sufficiently empowered and responsible (the requirement of Saturn/Capricorn) to become its own authority. It then sees that power must be shared, that it belongs equally to all of us – not to a small elite group who for the most part seize and impose its power by hereditary privilege and /or nefarious, dishonest and violent means.  What this means is, we are, collectively, poised to move from the former to the latter……from the infantile need to be controlled by others, to the more evolved awareness that sovereignty and freedom are the natural outgrowth of our evolutionary journey. And we are ready for it.

We have three months ahead to prepare for the shift to people power.  This Solstice is therefore the last stop off in the heavens before the energy surges forward – carrying us all with it, ready or not.

We have Mercury preparing to go retrograde on the 29th for three weeks – giving us an opportunity for reflective work and inward preparedness, particularly with regard to those physical structures (Mercury is in Capricorn) that we need to sustain our physical lives – such as money, shelter, work and health. All in preparation for the energy shift that is coming in March 2023.  It is a dynamic week this one, with the New Moon in Capricorn happening on Friday also. Wherever 1 degree Capricorn falls in your chart is a significant place for you to focus intentions on a positive new chapter.  All of this is saying that Capricorn is hosting a finale, giving us an opportunity to attend to our personal structures and to define what we will keep and what we will release.  All of us are being asked to release our mind conditioning, the control of the programming we have all been subjected to – thanks to the darker forces that have hijacked our personal ‘control’ or sovereignty.  Now is the time to let go and fly solo – but together, with our fellow human travellers.

As mentioned on the day of the Solstice, that celestial solar pause, Jupiter crosses over into Aries (from Pisces).  The timing of this ingress is interesting.  The Solstice Sun is powerful and here in Capricorn it is squaring Jupiter.  This will inject a feeling tone of buoyancy and optimism, which will be a very welcome energy, countering as it does, the more sombre energetics of Capricorn. But more significantly the square is a dynamic aspect, an energising aspect and here it is happening right on the Aries point – which is the actual beginning point of the entire zodiac. Jupiter is the carrier of our faith and our belief in a higher power. It is a crusader, a warrior if required, in service of a worthy cause. And here the giant planet is saying ‘I am ready. You have me. Let’s expand our collective force and fight together for our freedom!’  Jupiter rules Sagittarius – the sign most desirous of freedom.  And I say fight – because Aries, now hosting Jupiter for the next year, is of course, the Mars ruled sign of the warrior!  Aries is about courage, and leadership and initiation.  It is as if the heavens are telling us – the time is now. The real battle begins now!   The Solstice point is indeed, looking to be a turning point.

So Happy Summer or Winter Solstice to you.  May the celestial vibrations bring you peace and a positive influx of power and purpose for the times ahead.  Remember to enJOY each and every moment of this embodiment – which, for all its challenges and difficulties is a miracle and a gift from the Divine.  Celebrate the stillness of the Sun on the 21st (or 22nd) with slice of stillness yourself, as you take some time to reflect on the year that was and all you intend for the year ahead.

Many celestial blessings and see you in the beauty and truth to come.

You Matter, You count

“We have to recognize that the world is not something sculptured and finished, which we as perceivers walk through like patrons in a museum; the world is something we make through the act of perception.”

“You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.”

                                                                                                                  (Terence McKenna)

We have passed through the dark realms of the Scorpio vibration and now here we are in the season of Sagittarius.  Our stay here is just under four weeks – in the sign of Truth, Wisdom, Hope, Justice, Meaning, Morality, Ethics, Purpose, Expansion, Philosophy and Travel.  Those are words point us to the psychological need of the sign Sagittarius.  They sound quite different don’t they, from the Scorpio ‘psychological need’ words: Transformation, Healing, Death, Sex, Integrity, Power, Purification, Catharsis, Integration.  Each sign in the 12-sign zodiacal line-up encompasses and transcends the sign that goes before it.  Which is to say, after the heaviness of wounding, healing and transformation, crises, and delving into psychological secrets and secrets in general of Scorpio, we are invited, once the Sun transits into Sagittarius to change tack.  Now the challenge is to take the insights that came from our dalliance in the dark and mine them for gems of truth and wisdom.  To do this, we need to expand the boundaries of our minds and often we find ourselves drawn to expand our geographical boundaries too.  The feeling is much lighter, because Scorpio, ruled by the god of the underworld Pluto, is never anything but heavy.

What then, have we learned since October 23?  Have we made the world any different, through our acts of perception?  Can we do so now?  If we experienced some tough times in Scorpio season, perhaps around discovering someone wasn’t quite who we thought they were, or outright betrayal or devious, dishonest behaviour on the part of a person we previously thought more of, now is the time to digest those ‘samskaras’ (impressions) and make a different world for ourselves.  If we do not, the impressions or wounds to our egos, via our perceptions – emotional or psychological – that we took on will serve to suck up our energy, consuming fuel we could otherwise invest in experiences; in creating, having fun, learning, growing, living.  Resistance, to what is or was, is really just a habit. We become so armoured against life’s slings and arrows that it becomes our default mode to resist them.  Therefore, when we have been wronged, or believe we have been, we revert to old scripts and stories – making connections with previous incidents of a similar vibration, resisting the opportunity to learn something of ourselves, strengthening our old samskaras. We would be better off to digest them, by integrating and assimilating our ego wounds. I know that is easy to say and harder to do. But this is my point, we are in Sagittarius season now. It is the perfect time to mine recent experiences for the gold hidden within them. There is always gold.

The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter and this planet has traditionally been called the ‘great benefic’ – associated with good luck, windfalls, happy events.  We can sense then, hints of reward, the gold, which could be ours if we do the work.  Of course like all the symbols of our astrological language, there is a flip side.  Over enthusiasm can become blind optimism; great expectations can be dashed on the rocks of reality readily enough, over-inflation can become deflation. Jupiter and the sign Sagittarius are primarily concerned with justice and ethics – with truth. Do you believe there is an ultimate truth?  Or is it all in the eye of the beholder? Either way, we are creating, through our perceptions as Terence reminds us above, the world of our lived reality. Therefore the best we can do is fine tune what is truth for us and live our lives accordingly.  That is, if we are interested in growing our consciousness and improving our lives generally.   This sign/planet archetype is deeply concerned with honesty – of course we cannot get to any sort of truth without honesty. 

So then, this time of year is perfect to sit down with ourselves and have a good chat.  Reflect on the events of the past month, recalling any troublesome events or experiences.  Mine them for their deeper intent.  There surely was one.  Be honest with yourself. What was your part in things?  Were you pleased with your response or reactions – or could have done things better?  The universe is not random remember.  Everything that happens to you is ultimately for you.  You are a divine being and you come from unimaginable power.  See everything that happens to you against this backdrop.  Most of the things we fret over really don’t matter – when we come from the bigger picture.  If we are alive, we have the opportunity to make good to others, to anyone we may have hurt, through our unawareness. We have the opportunity to do things differently. And we have the opportunity to integrate, to digest the hard experiences, the lessons of life as we go.

 Sagittarius season is set up to usher us towards greater awareness. Yes, it is a fire sign and as such suggests to us that life, at this time, is about action, passion, energy, excitement and enthusiasm. But we can apply all of these to our inward journey to truth.  We can reach out to find the books and teachers who we resonate with. It’s a great time to start a course of spiritual or philosophical study. Maybe have your astrological chart done and gain some understanding of your core beliefs. It is a great time to read more spiritual or philosophical literature.  It’s a great time to travel beyond your usual places and meet new people or re-connect with old ones – but with fresh eyes.  It is always a good thing to meet familiar people and situations with new eyes. We can decide to let go of preconceptions and judgments about these people based on past experiences and be more loving, listen with more heart.  We are sculpting the world as we go. We can do it with passion and excitement now, in Sag season.  It seems a waste to default to our previous judgments, to the familiar mind chatter of our wounded little selves – therefore re-creating old situations with their attendant emotions in the present. If we really want to make the most of this lifetime, we will put in the effort to digest our old impressions and create a world more of our choosing.  It is a great opportunity now!  It is time to expand our horizons and grow our spiritual selves.  You can surely feel a renewal of optimism and positivity giving you the fuel to do this work.  The rewards will come – we are talking the planet of good luck remember. Notwithstanding the appalling things happening in the world ‘out there’ we have the capacity within to manifest a different world. We are making it through our perceptions.  Awareness is the universal medium of consciousness that permeates our world and every living creature. We all have our share of it – which tells us we are all One in truth.  Our enduring (until we awaken) perception that we are separate individual beings is really an illusion.  Everything we perceive in the outer world and everything we sense and feel in our inner world is the same thing.  They are all ‘coming into being’ through our power of perception.

So then, groking this monumental truth, in this season where truth must prevail, we have our Kosmic Medicine for the month ahead. We are making the world as we go and we come from, and will return to, unimaginable power and light.

May our journey this month be a quest for truth. And may it start with ourselves.  Really, concerning ourselves with what is true and what isn’t out there in the manufactured reality of our so-called civilisation, is a waste of our precious time and energy.  It is fine to take a passing interest in order to be informed. But futile really to spend too much on it.  Far better to journey inward and outward (same thing) in understanding our perceptions and their creative power and to have faith that in doing so we are creating a far more beautiful world.  One of our choosing. Not theirs.  Enjoy the journey and remember to have FUN.  Every moment, every thought, every perception every day counts. 

Gifts from the Underworld….

The great decisions in human life usually have far more to do with the instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness.  The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no universal recipe for living.  Each of us carries his own life-form within him – an irrational form which no other can outbid.”    (Carl Jung)

“Following the tradition of Carl Jung, Campbell (Joseph) believes that the psyche is divided into archetypal characters that symbolize different psychological functions.  While each archetype has its part to play in the life story, it is the task of every human being to integrate these parts into a unified whole.  The ego (hero) initially thinks it is separate from its parts, yet it must incorporate them to become the SELF… a complete, balanced, integrated human being capable of expressing ALL the archetypes.  This in effect is the hero’s journey.”    (Glenn Perry)

The last post on Kosmic Medicine was about the New Moon in Scorpio, which occurred on October 25/26.  This New Moon was accompanied by a partial Sun eclipse and as mentioned eclipses can be indicative of beginnings and/or endings.  The kosmic medicine for the energy that came through this messenger was the suggestion to sit in stillness and explore your inner terrain; to find a place of peace in that stillness where you calm the ego-mind and adopt an attitude of interested observation, feeling the heart-beat the blood and the breath.   Only in that place can the hidden truths, which are the domain of this archetype, emerge.  What I hadn’t dwelt on was the likelihood of chaos, intensity, power trips and emotional turmoil that can come, compliments of Scorpio.

Scorpio, with its ruler Pluto are literally the archetypes of the Shaman, the Shadow and the Wounded healer. Thus healing, transformation, catharsis, elimination, sex, wounds, the shadow, fear, paranoia, trauma and pain are part of the constellation of this astrological grouping. In order to really feel the purpose or intent of this archetypal energy, we do need to enter stillness.  Yes, there are likely to be events in the outer world – events of a dark nature we might say; perhaps a betrayal, an accusation, a shocking disclosure, power struggles and control issues – something that evidences anothers’ or our own hidden wounding.  But this is all par for the course. The unwanted association of Scorpio/Pluto with pain is often the impetus to go within, to contemplate the reason (which may be too difficult to decipher) and to give yourself time and space to heal.  Scorpio/Pluto’s intent is integration and integrity….. in other words, healing the discrepant parts of yourself in order to come to wholeness (the hero’s journey).

Well, I hope the Scorpio new Moon was not too hard on you and perhaps you instinctively felt to distance yourself from the dynamics of normal life for a time to make an inward journey. Perhaps something that happened ‘out there’ that compelled you to do so.  Our wounds all lie hidden in the darkness and excavating them can take some courage and a willingness to allow ourselves to be vulnerable.  Vulnerability is a Scorpio/Pluto word – from the root vulnere, meaning to wound.  And as we know, unless and until we become aware of our wounds, until we own them, we cannot begin to heal them.  Here we enter that mysterious territory Jung alluded to in the quote above; the world of instincts and mysterious unconscious factors. Jung stated that this is the place where our great decisions originate – not from the conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness.  I love that.  We think we are in control of our decisions, that our reasonable conscious willpower is at the helm.  But no.  The big stuff comes from another place. One we can barely intimate, let alone articulate.  And herein lies the power of knowing, or at least glimpsing, the astrological energies that are, like it or not, impacting our vulnerable psyches. They lie nebulously,  in the realm of the mystery…..   It is no coincidence by the way, that Halloween (today in my time) and the Day of the Dead occur in the middle of Scorpio season – when the veil between the worlds is said to be thinner.  Dealing with the dark, the hidden, the taboo, the ‘unspeakable’, often becomes our challenge, in some way shape or form, at this time of the year.

So, next week and the total lunar eclipse on November 8.   In the post for the New Moon I spoke of that being a seeding time – it was dark on dark. But now, two weeks on, the Moon will have moved 180 degrees and will occupy the sign Taurus. This is a time of revelation – or it could be. The revelation of something that was seeded at the New Moon.  This may be as ethereal as a new insight. Somehow your perspective on an issue has shifted and a new angle is revealed. That is, unless you distracted yourself with distractions.  With new insights come new opportunities to heal.  The prevailing archetype at this time wants to help us heal.  Its intent is to cause us to go inward to come to awareness of our wounds, our vulnerabilities.  The Full Moon of November 8/9 shines the light of Taurean calmness, stability, steadfast sensibility onto the cathartic, provocative, penetrating, passionate, dangerous, vindictive, demonic(!) energy of Scorpio. Well at least it is no longer a double dose of Scorpio! Taurus brings us back to earth.  It is the most earthy of signs. Taurus needs the stability and reassurance of consistency and familiarity in order to feel safe.  Yes, the downside is it holds on too long to people and situations that would have been better to release long ago….  There is always a flipside.  But we need that stability and security as much as we need the drama of uncomfortable emotions.  The feeling now, with this eclipse, is we are being invited to bring to conscious awareness the treasures of the hard stuff we recently encountered.  If we were compelled to face aspects of ourselves at the double Scorpio time, which we would have preferred not to acknowledge, this eclipse on the 8th is an opportunity to ask to be shown the gifts of the dramas and chaos, the accusations and character assassinations, the fears and rage. Taurus is urging us to bring it out into the open and release the emotional trauma. Most likely it was old trauma, old wounds and issues, albeit dressed in new clothes, that were nudged during the New Moon.  It hurt, but remember, the ultimate intent is healing.  We have an opportunity now to see ourselves in a new light.  And please, there is no need to worship your mistakes.  We do not have to beat ourselves up over and over. We are human. We make mistakes. That is why we are here.  Far better to acknowledge them, make amends if appropriate and then let them go, move on.  Remember too that whoever appears in your chaos and plays a part in your ‘mistakes’ is a wounded player in your drama too.  They attracted you as much as you attracted them.  This wasn’t just about you and your mistakes….. we are all constantly rubbing our wounds up against others.  Eclipses signify new beginnings and so this is your opportunity to start again, to jettison old ways that have clearly not served you – as shown to you by Scorpio/Pluto.  Famous astrologer Dane Rudhyar said of Pluto transits (that is, when Pluto is highlighted, as it is now at Scorpio season): “Pluto brings freedom from bondage to forms and substances no longer useful.”

Worth pondering…

Perhaps it is time to let someone or something go. 

Or, perhaps it is simply a time to see yourself, them, the situation, with new eyes.  We all need to take off the old lenses from time to time and with ruthless honesty and effort find a new perspective.  Ruthless honesty is pure Scorpio/Pluto.  Throw in some Taurus energy and we have a unique opportunity this year to find ourselves in a place of greater security and contentment that comes of releasing attachment to our negative habitual ways of reacting, responding and doing.

By the time the Sun moves into Sagittarius (truth!) on November 22 we can be ready for a new adventure – one where we are more authentically aligned with who we truly are, at the heart level.

Get rid of the bullshit is another way of saying it.  The lunar eclipse next week is the second chapter of the intense energy we felt at the Scorpio New Moon and if we choose, it could be a more positive, affirming new beginning for ourselves.

I wish you all the very best.

I’d love to hear how it has been for you!


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Today is the New Moon in Scorpio – October 25.  The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in exact conjunction, occupying the same degree of the zodiac.  The Sun and Moon, at 2 degrees Scorpio, are graced by the presence (in the exact degree) of Venus.  And shortly after the moment of the New Moon a partial Sun eclipse occurs – here in New Zealand, right on the stroke of midnight!  It is an intense and enigmatic combo and as with all new Moons it signifies a new cycle beginning.  New Moons are powerful times to set new intentions and in particular intentions around the themes of the sign in question.  Scorpio is the sign of the underworld – all that is hidden, dark, taboo, unspoken.  It is the invisible but profound processes of life, from the power and riches of the financial world to the mysterious transformative powers of birth and of death. What then, might you decide to set in motion under the influence of this seeding time?  Seeding is absolutely appropriate for this darkest of the dark times. There is no Moon to be seen in the night sky and Scorpio energy is fertile and dark. 

Yet the drive to set new intentions in motion may be lacking.  The invisible side of life is like this, it is enigmatic – a sense, an intuition, a feeling – but nothing clear cut. It can be hard to think too much about future plans.  That’s okay.  For now Scorpio is asking us to ‘go within’ and find our own truth. Any seeds we plant now are bound to our personal truths, to what we value.  We will have time to future plan more distinctly under the influence of Sagittarius next month.  The best we can do now is to trust the process – life is always seeding, growing, fading and dying.  Generation and regeneration. Think about the cyclic processes of life, birth, death and rebirth. New life is being seeded now and like a baby in the womb it is deeply secret and profoundly mysterious. It is life itself in the process of becoming.

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Venus right on the New Moon is bringing the wisdom and love of the goddess energy to this new seeding cycle. So long suppressed and oppressed, hijacked by the forces of the patriarchy and the ‘gods’ of the old religions, we are seeing many signs that our true mother is re-emerging.  She is part of us – just as Venus is an aspect of our inner terrain, our psyche. In astrology the planet Venus symbolizes the attraction principle and so has to do with love relationships.  She is also the ruler of the sign Taurus, where her jurisdiction is our security and our values – what we value in order to feel more secure in the world.  This triple conjunction in Scorpio of the two luminaries plus the goddess of love and security speaks of the need now for us to go into the stillness, by ourselves and really feel it. Feel life and love in you and see life and love – the cohesive force of the universe – in the natural world outside of you.  Don’t distract with the usual distractions, because if you do you will miss this opportunity to go into the deep quiet of the invisible – from where everything is born. This opportunity only comes once a year.  After the New Moon energy passes (a couple of days either side of the exact New Moon) we have the remainder of the Scorpio season to continue our journey – but the New Moon itself is a potent moment in time.  Sit, close eyes and allow yourself to notice your breath coming and going, unfettered by any mental techniques.  Let any thoughts pass through and out.  Feel what you feel, but without attachment.  Acceptance is all. Be open to surprise at what may surface. Be aware of your physicality, resting inside a field of awareness that notices not only your breath and your heartbeat, but the birdsong and the wind outside your window. It is all the same field – brought into being by you; the world of your self awareness.

Can you feel the presence of Venus? Can you feel, when you go into stillness, the love that circulates as your blood? Can you feel the love that beats your heart, that breathes you?  Can you feel gratitude – which is love, for your aging body, for the years you have lived and the experiences you have had? Can you sense the blessedness of the gift of life that brought you into this world from the invisible? Do you marvel at the intelligence of our Mother Nature, the Shakti to Shiva’s Ground of Being, the creative power that initiates and moves through all of life?    What if this was enough?  To close the valve of ego-mind and simply sit in stillness, observing, accepting, appreciating, loving.  Scorpio is still water. The New Moon is seeding in the fertile ground of emotional receptivity that is Scorpio and the attendance of Venus assures us the ‘Goddess’, Shakti, is with us now. She is preparing to give birth to our new world with us.  We are in partnership with her. Or we can be if we choose. 

And the eclipse.  This is the start of a series of eclipses.  On November 8, not far off, we have a total lunar eclipse.  Eclipses signal powerful beginnings and endings and this partial solar eclipse in Scorpio, being on the New Moon strengthens the theme of undisclosed seeding.  Something is beginning now, in secret, that will have to do with our relationships; relationships to other people and to our security. We have been living under a false security system. The controllers who have assumed the role of authorities have finally, inevitably revealed their inauthenticity, their corrupt and brutal agendas for usurping natural law and seizing total control of Anthropos. Us.  The survival of our species is at stake. It has been for eons. But now we are waking up en masse to the anti-life agenda of these creatures, those at the highest levels barely qualifying as human – being the psychopaths they are.

So, then, what? What now?  As Neil Oliver, that gifted and eloquent truth teller, said only today, ‘Don’t lose heart!’  Truth and right will ultimately win out.  We must have faith. Not losing heart is crucial. That means we need courage.  Courage, from the French word for heart, Coeur.  Not losing heart is the same as having courage.  We are going to need courage in the days ahead. The Kosmic Medicine for growing our courage, for not losing heart, is to use the energy of this time to plant seeds that will strengthen our core values.  We are not so different from each other.  We value above all, love and connection with our fellow human beings. We value our foundational needs for warmth, food,  shelter, health, creativity. We value nature, laughter, beauty……   This time then, this Scorpio time, is one to penetrate your own depths, to seek out, to refine what you really, truly value. What you need in your life. Scorpio is not interested in superficiality.  It is interested in truth.  It doesn’t need words, unless they are to convey profound thoughts. It doesn’t do trivia and it doesn’t need stuff.  It needs real and true.

And in the quiet depths of your own Self-awareness can you feel the radical pleasure of the life force animating your beautiful and miraculous body?  Our bodies are a portal to the whole universe. They are individuated packets of god(dess) consciousness.  Can we learn to trust them?  The ego-mind is a great servant, but for most of us it has become the master.  In this world of technological mind-control few and far between are those sovereign souls who have mastery over their own thoughts and emotions and who trust the wisdom of their bodies. The Kosmic Medicine this month, right now, is to go within, go down to the ground of your own being and even if you do not know what seeds to plant at this time, trust that your soul and your body do. Give them some space to sow. Trust the intelligence that has got you this far. Trust in the power of love  that keeps this whole shebang from flying off into distant space.  Trust that truth will prevail and all that is not in alignment with it will fall away.  And fall in love and delight with the simple beauty of nature all around you. This is what life is about.  

See you in the beauty to come……

crescent moon


An Unnatural Disconnect

Naomi Wolf, renown author and journalist, has written recently (link below) about the strange new vibe she is feeling around people.  There seems to be a disconnect. In New York the familiar game of the sexes out on the street, in bars and restaurants, hallmarked by the usual flirtatiously excitable energy that happens when men and women vie for the attention of men and women – is gone.  So she has observed.  She goes on to share her unofficial but-should-be-looked-at-seriously hypothesis about why this might be so – that this bizarre new ‘reality’ is a side-effect of the lipid nano-particles in the ‘covid’ vaccine.  (I can never get past the meaning of that word – covid. Co-vert Id-entification ?  It started out as coronavirus remember).  Anyway, you can read Naomi’s post for yourself.  What I’d like to explore, prompted by her writing, is this:  Are we disconnecting from each other and if so, why?

It is no secret that Mr Globalist has a transhumanist agenda.  ‘He’ wants to insert into our bodies, through various means, vaccination being one, nanoparticles that will be activated through the smart grid (5G +) network.  A sci-fi scenario is said to be the plan, as these nanoparticles, products of AI (artificial intelligence) will interface with our natural intelligence and in fact, override it, superseding or bypassing human consciousness itself. And that’s just one aspect.  It is a terrifying prospect.  As Elon Musk said some time back, ‘If you’re not afraid of AI – you should be.’   He should know.  The strange yet obvious question to ask then is, if he admits AI is so frightening, why the hell is he involved with something like Neuralink (his ‘brain-machine interface’)?    It defies rational thought. As does much of what is going on in our world right now.  Musk is certainly an enigma. The only conclusion I can come to, is that Musk is a Mr Globalist and whilst he may pretend to be a man of the people, supporting free speech etc… he has already given his game away.  Remember, these individuals are masters of deceit.  They do inversion of the truth with aplomb.

Speaking of which, look at our New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern.  Her recent speech at the UN was a shocking display of thinly disguised evil, frankly.  Neil Oliver summed it up with his usual bulls’ eye eloquence:  My god.  It is terrifying to realize the truth – our western world leaders are seriously psychopathic and, if their paid and pledged membership of the WEF wasn’t enough to give the show away, their lectures (they used to be speeches) to the masses do! They have become so blatant in the revelations of their intent. This shift (or amping up) in the outer world is designed to alter our perceptions of reality itself. They are doing so on a daily basis through their mind programming and, as Naomi Wolf and others are speculating, the administration of secret pharmacological agents. And on that, it has been said we all have nanoparticles in us – thanks to the decades long program of geo-engineering, or chemtrails – the spraying of aluminium and other heavy metals and nanos into the atmosphere; their ‘weather modification’.  Weather modification? You mean ‘climate change’?  Ahhh, so that’s what they’ve done.  Word spell.  You can’t say they haven’t told us then.  (Check out HAARP – a truly sinister outfit – if you want to learn more on that, also   And of course there has been the spraying and contamination of our food and water with chemicals and the administration of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.

Spiritual wisdom traditions tell us, there is only one consciousness. This is the consciousness or the light of awareness we call Spirit, Shiva, God, Goddess, Supreme Being, the Divine and other names.  We are each nodes, or points of awareness within the one consciousness. Our level of ‘awakening’ or ‘enlightenment’ is to do with how contracted or constricted the one consciousness is within our heart-minds.  We are all contracted consciousness. The great spiritual masters and those who have experienced enlightenment have been opened to the truth of this reality – the truth is no longer obscured in them by the contraction of consciousness which is inherent in our human condition and so they are able to go beyond it to perceive reality as it is: there is but one consciousness pervading all.  It is the same consciousness then that perceives the ‘outside’ world via our sensory apparatus, as that which generates our inner experiences of thought and feeling.  The variations in our inner experience have to do with our unique soul signature (a consequence of our karmic legacy), our early conditioning and the contraction or openness of our spiritual awareness or our ‘consciousness’. 

That said, I am suggesting the modus operandi of Mr Globalist and his proxy world leaders is largely about closing down (still further) our consciousness. In other words – turning us into automatons, to be controlled by them through their egregious anti-life technology. The last three years of the plandemic have illuminated loudly and clearly the zombification of sadly, the consensus.  Fortunately, least we get ourselves too depressed about this, the numbers are swinging to the side of awakening. Will the tide turn in time though?  It seems evident Mr Globalist’s efforts are redoubling.  These satanic individuals and conglomerates are becoming more desperate by the day.  Hence the blatant espousing of their plans. Once they made some effort to keep these things hidden.  And you don’t have to be that smart to see through the likes of Elon Musk.  His grandfather was a eugenicist wasn’t he. Oh, just a coincidence I’m sure.  And as with the reptile Gates – you don’t have THAT much money without the globalist’s backing. These pathetic creatures are front men and women for the cult.

So, connection. Can you see it? We are intrinsically connected because we all part of the one consciousness.  The observation that people are becoming less and less connected to one another suggests a schism is happening on the level of our life-giving portion of consciousness. We know ‘they’ have been doing this for a long time now – the fluoride push comes to mind, shutting down the pineal gland (our spiritual receiving station) as it does.  Joining the dots then we can see the real world impacts now of the implementation of the globalists’ sinister agenda.  We know people are dying in the wake of the experimental injection.  We know people are getting very sick. We know the financial system is in free fall.  And if we visit a Manhattan bar, or one closer to home, we might observe a strange cloud of detachment slowly snuffing out the life force and desires of the young ones.  It’s too sad for words.

What then can we do?  The great Rudolf Steiner, spiritual master and teacher told us, over a hundred years ago, that to be free of deceptions we ‘must become masters of what affects us from the outside world.’  He said that we must get to the point where we do not receive impressions from the world that we do not want. ‘Only a strong inner life can develop this capacity…… we must be completely unavailable to those impressions to which we have not turned our attention.  We must see only what we want or will to see.  What we do not turn our attention to in fact must not exist for us.’  Steiner taught the necessity of thought control – the need to stop all sorts of thoughts drifting through our minds, to allow peace and tranquillity.  He said we must become detached and imperturbable – which meant regulating our emotions so that we are not up one moment and down the next. We thus become masters of ourselves through our greatest joys and deepest sorrows. And he said we must have faith.  He said: ‘You must never allow your assessment of the future to be influenced by the past……. You must go so far as to have faith in everything that happens in the world.’

Faith then my friends. We can nurture our capacity for faith by finding something positive in every situation we encounter.  There is a wonderful Persian story of Jesus.  He is out walking one day and comes across the decomposing corpse of a dog.  He looks at the dog and says to his companion:  ‘Look at the beautiful teeth this dog has.’    He was able to see the beauty in a decomposing dead dog.  This is a reminder to us that within every seeming ugly, even horrific thing or situation – there is something beautiful or good – if we can only see it.  The Goddess knows we are inundated with frightful scenarios and prospects right now.  We are being forcibly and actively disconnected from the Consciousness that not only links us to each other, but to the very source of life itself.

These anti-lifers are doing their utmost and their plan has been a long time in the hatching. But ultimately we have the power to strengthen our inner life – by choosing what we give our attention to.  Yes, I know it is hard for those of us who need to be informed.  We want to know what the hell is going on and it is hard to detach from the intensity of what is happening to find the space for inner tranquillity.  But this we must do.  It is happening already, this dystopian disconnect. The hour then is late and it is imperative we take charge of ourselves by controlling our emotions, focusing on what we know will bring peace and have faith in the future.  This doesn’t mean we close ourselves off from information that could help us.  In fact now more than ever we need to educate ourselves in order to take responsibility for our health.  We know the system known as the medical one is crumbling, as are all the corrupt controlling organizations. There is nothing for it then but to find alternatives and take care of ourselves.  And when it comes to our physical health and well-being faith is a huge one.  We have been steadily conditioned away from our innate trust in the body’s wisdom and intelligence as a self-healing mechanism.  It is time to recover that trust.

A bit of a wild ride, starting with the weird disconnect. But I hope I have kindled some faith at least in the much bigger picture – that of the One Consciousness of which we are a part.  It, she, will not abandon us. She created us.  We must have faith in the human capacity to endure, to heal and to thrive – despite appalling obstacles and efforts on the part of the anti-lifers to destroy us.  This is a battle that has been going on for centuries. We find ourselves at a turning point and as the spiritual new-agers tell us, we chose to come here at this time for a reason.  I think the reason is simply our participation in the turning point. We are here, it’s happening, so we might as well make the most of a bad situation – see the dead dog’s beautiful teeth and know that for all the bleakness, confusion, fear, chaos and uncertainty there is beauty and there is truth. And truth will ultimately prevail as evil contains the seeds of its own destruction.

So let us celebrate the indomitable human spirit and run the currents of joy, gratitude and love through our amazing bodies. Let’s deepen our connection with the natural world of our mother planet. Let’s make an effort to connect, connect, connect. We can learn how to mitigate the technology that would enslave us and above all let us trust that we will prevail – as our ancestors have done, against the same dark forces, for millennia.  


The Gods of Change….

Life has become quite bizarre of late – it all feels chaotic, confusing, surreal. We are in a weird place, as if we are on a precipice and somehow stuck, marking time, waiting for something…….   We read the predictions, of astrologers (maybe), financial commentators and others and the outlook, well, it’s not looking great, is it…

Talking of the astrology, I wanted to look at the quintessential message of the cosmos here today to try to glean something of the intent of the planetary players to, hopefully, help find a way through the quagmire of confusion.  The fact that so many planets have been in retrograde motion this past month has no doubt contributed to our feelings of stuckness.  This month the big players, Pluto, Saturn and several other planetary bodies will start moving direct again – meaning our inward focus will shift and we will become more action oriented.

Today (October 2) Mercury ends her latest retrograde period and in a sign she rules, Virgo, signals now is the time to start speaking out, expressing ourselves and our creativity.  The planet of communication and cognition will slip into Libra on October 11. Libra is a cardinal sign – its energy is outward, focused on action. We will begin to feel we need to act on our recent musings and cogitations – taking them out into the world and sharing with others.  There was a reason everything was going backwards. It was about the need to reflect, to assimilate and digest so much information. Now we are readying ourselves to make our contribution.  Even if it is only contributing to ourselves through implementing some positive changes for our health, security and well-being.

On the 9th (Oct) Pluto changes gears and begins to move direct again.  Pluto is about transformation. All transformative processes happen on the invisible level first and this is what the ‘god of the underworld’ has been about during its retrograde – transforming things from the inside, hidden from view.  Pluto is a planet that speaks to the collective. It features in our individual charts of course and has something to say there for each of us, but as a marker of the larger collective its movements have important information to deliver on a societal level.  You’d have to have been living under a rock at the bottom of a lake not to have registered that our society is undergoing a massive transformation – kicked off as it was by the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto in 2020. What then is Pluto going to deliver up, in the world of the visible, now that he is back in motion? (Until half way through next year when he goes backwards again).

“As long as you do not die and rise again, You are a stranger to the dark earth.”   (Goethe)

Not to put too fine a point on it – Pluto is the ‘god of death’.  His transits often bring us into painful contact with ‘death’ – of something. We cannot know if Pluto foretells of literal death or the ending of something significant; a psychological death. Either way. Either way the transformation that the ‘death of something’ brings, is designed to change us.  Our Earth Mother, Gaia brings forth life and in due course all life dies to make way for new life. We know this is the way of things. Our collective, call it civilization, is composed of organic life – us – and thus it too is subject to the regenerative cyclic processes of Mother Gaia.

The something that is dying now, is precisely that, it is the death of civilization as we know it.  Pluto is in the last degrees of the sign Capricorn, which is the sign of ‘the authorities’ and those systems of control that maintain the status quo in our society. That Pluto is moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius – the sign of people power – is clearly significant. However, we cannot lose sight of the fact that he will return to Capricorn for one last blast next year. Our journey is close, but not at its completion.  So this shift from retrograde back into a slow but potent forward propulsion is designed to begin the implementation of some major changes – changes that have been birthed on the invisible, unmanifest level. Something new is struggling through the birth canal as we speak.

So far I haven’t told you anything you don’t already know I’m sure.  Here is another piece of the puzzle to ponder. Pluto’s domain of transformation encompasses integration and healing.  Integration is wholeness.  It is the nature of life to move towards wholeness. Pluto’s dramatic, scary and often painful processes are about precisely this – the move towards wholeness.  Do you feel that life as we have been living it has been ‘wholesome’ ?  Hmm. Probably not.  It’s no secret anymore what the ‘controllers’ have been up to behind the scenes.  There is a reason many of us have felt for a very long time that we don’t belong here, that something is not right. We have an innate awareness of our connection to our Mother planet, to the healing power of nature, to our intrinsic human spirituality. The sense of living inauthentic lives, as we’ve complied to the dictates of a spiritually bereft society is real and valid. We have been.  All of this came to head in 2020 as the wheels of the cosmos turned and we were ushered into a chapter we might call ‘the beginning of the end’.  Well, now we know.  Pluto is the archetype of annihilation and destruction – and concomitantly, death.  But now the truth is revealed – what is being destroyed is a system that has, for millennia, been intent on our dis-integration.  Now it is dying.

There is nothing for it but for us to face the beast.  Pluto evokes our most fundamental survival instincts and ignites our destructive, ferocious urges. None of this is going to be pretty then. Birth never is. But one thing seems clear, our days of quietly acquiescing, complying (unconsciously or not) with the forces intent on our ultimate destruction, are over.  We do have help though…..the Universal Spirit is ever compassionate. Believe it or not.

Scorpio season is not far off. Scorpio is the sign connected to Pluto and symbolises a period of ‘entering into the underworld.’  We have the New Moon in Scorpio on the 25th of this month and this is followed by minutes with a partial Sun Eclipse (just after midnight on the 26th here in New Zealand).  Eclipses signal powerful endings and beginnings.  It looks like the birth of the new is upon us.  This eclipse is part of a series of eclipses that are associated with authorities. The message is getting clearer and clearer.  Their time is done.  What precisely is dying now? What is being born?  I’m sure you have your own thoughts on this.  From the astrological symbolism alone it seems clear the financial system is a contender. We have the North Node of the Moon conjoined with Uranus in Taurus. Briefly, the North Node is our ‘way forward’… our collective ‘next step’.  Uranus is the deliverer of surprise, shocks, revelation and liberation. Taurus is our financial and material security (food, money).  Join the dots.  There could be a major ending of the current financial system – before the birth of a new one.  Note I word it ‘could be’ and not ‘will be’.  This is because I have been around this game for long enough to know that it is not wise to ‘make predictions’.  If that surprises you, well, welcome to the truth about astrology.  I observe with interest, often amusement and have done for decades, the ‘predictions’ of so many astrologers. The Trump election was a good one.  Pretty much every notable astrologer who ventured to make a prediction, turned out to be wrong.  The cosmos has the last laugh.  This is true for our individual charts as well. Often what appears on the horizon to be a transit of major upheaval and upset turns out to be not so bad (though something pivotal will be set in motion). And vice-versa – harmonious and positive transits also, often fail to deliver.  Why is this – and what is the point of astrology if we can’t make predictions you might ask.  In a nutshell, the point is, we can anticipate possibilities.  The transits and progressions (the tools of future reading) give us potent tools to discern the waves of energy that are poised to surf in to our reality.  How these energies actually play out is next to impossible to predict because there are so many variables.  In the individual chart the main one being our unique level of consciousness.  But one thing is clear – all of it is designed to move us forward on our evolutionary journey and when we are clued in to the symbolism of whatever energies are going to be impacting our energetic field, we are able to discern the evolutionary intent of the time.

The second eclipse in this series, a Lunar Eclipse, occurs on November 8 – just before the Taurus Full Moon.  Full Moons recall are about completion.  Something will be set in motion two weeks prior on the New Moon that has deep implications for our collective financial reality and be implemented (perhaps) on the Full Moon. Remember that this whole process we are going through together is about coming to a place of integrity or wholeness.  It is about the destruction, the ending of a system that was designed to fail, because it was not integrous. It was not honest, it was not life supporting. It was in fact, anti-life.  The reign of the money gods is coming to an about-timely end. It logically wont happen overnight and Pluto’s retreat back into Capricorn next year after it temporarily leaves the sign tells us so.  Those with the power will not go quietly. But their demise seems inevitable.

Keep the faith. Jupiter (symbolic of faith, belief, trust) is backtracking still (and will be until November 24) – giving us an opportunity to reflect and strengthen our inner faith in life, a higher power, our own power, whatever we need to buoy ourselves for the challenges of this time. On October 28 Jupiter, in its reflective journey, will go back into Pisces.  Pisces is about the One. That is, the Oneness of life. We are all nodes of consciousness in the one body of humanity.  If we are sensitive to the truth of our unity, this time will support our faith in the power of it.  Together, we are powerful.  ‘They’ are afraid of us waking up to the truth of our true power, in unity. That is why they’ve tried so bloody hard to divide and rule us. Let’s use this precious window of time to reconnect to the truth of our power as a unified collective of awakened beings – calmly ready and willing to do what it takes, together, to dethrone the liars and deceivers.  We have the support of the Kosmos – via the cosmos (the planetary energies) to help us move through this transition to a more authentic, awakened humanity.  It is indeed, an interesting time to be alive. Go well fellow travelers. May the force of truth be with you.

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SharonOct 3

Liked by Lindastrologer

Wow! Your words, understan

“To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity.”

(Oscar Wilde)

Coming of age as I did in the ‘70’s – with a predisposition to be a ‘truth seeker’ – all things ‘New Age’ were on the table for exploration and experimentation.  (And yes, like Oscar, I didn’t and don’t agree with the consensus.)  Of course, astrology was there in the truth-seeking mix; the language of the stars called to me in my early teens.  In 2008 I caught the words of astrologer Melanie Reinhart at a workshop in Bali:  “You can only work with what has been burnt into your soul.”  She was referring to the astrological symbols.  She was saying that you have to live the symbols to truly know them. You have to experience in the depths of your being what they are saying, how they feel, and what they mean.  She was right.  The only way you really know astrology is by experiencing it.  Life, as it happens, is largely an experiential exercise. And we can’t take anyone else’s word for it.

I have long pondered how astrology works.  When I started to learn it from my first teacher, I was frustrated because I didn’t have a big picture context.  Yes, I knew it was real, that it worked….but how did the planets out there ‘cause’ things to happen down here ? In 2005 I was reading David Icke’s book “Infinite Love is the Only Truth…. Everything Else is Illusion”   and came upon his explanation of how astrology works.  This is what he said:

Take astrology, a major New Age tool.  In the right hands, it can be extremely accurate and sometimes very useful in a ‘this world’ sense.  The movement of the planets and stars is a matrix program, a holographic version of the one projected on the ceiling of a planetarium.  These planetary movements trigger vibrational changes that affect humans and other life on earth because it affects the DNA and the input/output system.  The point at which we enter the Time Loop also impacts the DNA.  Astrology is the interaction between the vibrational fields created by the celestial cycles and our DNA program is affected by where in the cycle we are born.  But I stress that this interaction is not between our consciousness and the planetary movements; it is between the planets and our DNA, which includes the mind and emotions.  At this level, astrology in its deeper and detailed form is certainly relevant, but when we move our awareness beyond mind to the consciousness of the ‘One’, we cease to be affected by the astrological ‘laws’.”

Brilliantly put.  We might say that the astrological birth chart describes our psychological self.  The finger pointing to the Moon is not the Moon.

“What is referred to as ‘fate’ is not the inevitable experience of consciousness; it is the inevitable outcome of the DNA computer program unless consciousness intervenes.” (!)   (D. Icke)

The great Rudolf Steiner said that his lectures in mysticism were about knowing, that is, “knowing thyself in the large sense of ‘know yourself as an organ of divine-spiritual-cosmic cognition.’  The key was ‘Die and become’ (Goethe).  Steiner believed that to truly exist as an ‘I’ one ‘must sacrifice one’s separate existence as determined by one’s organic, psychological circumstances.’  The self-transformation of ego-death is the essence of what the Delphic oracle required in its ‘Know Thyself’. Steiner said it does not ask us to know ourselves as psychological beings. In fact, the individual, separate personality must ‘die for the Self to come into the world.’

From the nutshell above on the mechanism of astrology and its DNA informing component, we can see that what we are looking at in the birth chart of an individual is that person’s mind-body personality self.  Steiner says this is not the deeper meaning of ‘Know Thyself.’

This is what must be sacrificed. The symbols’ meaning being ‘burnt into our souls’ by lived experience is real enough, but the symbols themselves are just that. They are not the essence of who we truly are. They are the finger pointing to the Moon.

In the quote above from Icke what is implied here is that we have the power to alter or affect our ‘fate’ through our consciousness. Consciousness is everything.  If we are relatively ‘unconscious’ – that is, living life in an unthinking, mechanical way, reacting to our changing moods and emotions from a place of ego – then the program that was encoded into our DNA at our first breath will run unchecked.  Our DNA controlled mind and emotional programming will largely dictate our thoughts and behaviours.  But, if we are more conscious, in New Age parlance, more ‘enlightened’, we have the capacity to ‘alter’ what would otherwise appear as our fate.  Fate is character unfolded in time, as one of my astrology teachers put it; meaning we will attract circumstances and events into our lives in accord with our character.  Character as I see it,  is an amalgam of the psychological self (revealed in the birth chart) and consciousness. We cannot know the consciousness of a person through studying their birth chart alone, but we can know a great deal about their psychological self.

We feel we grow through the experiences that burn into our souls. We assume that is so because we have felt  something deep and painful in our hard lessons; we have, if we are sufficiently conscious, become more enlightened, more evolved because of what we have been through. Or, is it that experience simply removes more of the veils of forgetfulness to reveal what we already knew and who we really are?

I’ll leave that thought for now.

There are many concepts of the religion of the ‘New Age’ that I find I no longer take as read.  It seems in these tumultuous, chaotic, confusing and information over-load times we are in, there has been a revival in the religion of the New Age and every second person on the internet is talking about ascension, angels, off-planet saviours and the like. There are intuitives, channellers,and mediums aplenty. There are ‘teachers’ from the future, from somewhere else in the galaxy, from Texas.   I get it. We are hankering to know ourselves as ‘an organ of divine-spiritual-cosmic cognition.’  As life in the ‘real’ world continues to dissolve the structures of our civilisation, structures that have heretofore given us a sense of security and comfort, we naturally seek the connection of our deeper selves with something else. Something spiritual.  Often, anything spiritual.  But we must tread carefully.  If we cleave too tightly to any one ‘guru’, methodology or system we run the risk of missing the bigger picture.  And it is the bigger picture we desperately need right now.  We need to know ourselves as divine-spiritual-cosmic beings. That is the big picture.  And we do not need to go through a middle-man.  The New Age religion has its share of ‘priests’ and interlopers just as other religions do. We need to be discerning.  I have always said, astrology is not the be all and end all. You can live quite happily not knowing your birth chart at all.  Most people do.  As we explored briefly above, it is a ‘program’, DNA software, and we are much more than a personality running a program.   In order to know ourselves I believe astrology is a wonderfully helpful tool in that it keys us in to an awareness of the cosmos. It can objectify the emotional patterns that underpin our lives and it can trace their origin in early childhood events.  Astrology can hint at wounds and issues that may have been ‘brought over’ from past lives – or chosen by the soul to develop a particular capacity. It shows us that we are indeed ‘creatures of the cosmos’, subjected to forces above and beyond this earthly realm.   But it cannot show us our soul.

It sometimes looks like the whole ‘New Age’ movement, which really kicked off in the ‘70’s is just another program – with many parallels to conventional religions.  You can spot it easily enough – the ‘archangels and ascended masters’ Gabriel, St Germaine, etc, when imaged, look exactly like earlier depictions of Jesus.  There is the Great White Brotherhood, the Galactic Federation, Council of 9,  living reincarnations of ascended masters and assorted alien Saviours. These off-planet beings have transcended earthly karma and are out there helping us, apparently, to ‘ascend’.    Somehow I can’t and never have, subscribed to all of this.  I accept there are ‘off-planet beings’ – naturally and the ancient wisdom has long taught of the angelic and elemental kingdoms, but for some reason all of these New Age entities sound like they’ve come from the same playbook.  The New Age bible.  It sounds like another ‘god program’.   If we meditate and affirm and create little rituals and believe, we might be ‘saved’ by whoever or whatever program we are currently subscribed to.

We are all free to believe as we choose.  If believing in the New Age religion floats your boat, then fine. For myself, at this age and stage, my gravitation is to nature and to what author Enna Reittort has called the ‘natural human esoteric’.  The human esoteric is enigmatic – naturally – but not inaccessible. It is the integration, the bringing back together, the healing, of what it means to be human. We have been severed from the knowing of who we truly are through centuries of the god program and its latter day incarnations (such as scientism).

“Our integration is about more than just cobbling together our earthly and cosmic identities in some mental construct.  It involves a transformation of the heart, for both to be united in re-membrance of the whole that had been dis-membered.  The heart is where it happens physically, emotionally and subtly – the locus of the human natural esoteric that hears the song of the cosmos and is crucial to who-we-are.”   (Enna Reittort –‘ Krivda’)

How beautifully put. And it brings me back to the theme of some of my earlier writings.  The heart is where it happens baby.

The human esoteric is knowing the essence of who we are, individually, on the inside. It is not about subscribing to the teachings of some Johnny-come-lately who professes to have the wisdom to teach us how to become enlightened. It is knowing for ourselves – on the heart level.  The heart has a knowing the mind cannot.  This is what we must learn to trust.   It is a process for sure and along the way we journey down many highways and byways – exploring, we truth seekers, many different teachings and systems (astrology is a knowledge system)……But now the time is ripe and it is running out quite frankly, to turn back to ourselves and back to our mother – Nature.  It is time to let go of reliance on externals, on gurus and self-proclaimed teachers and rediscover our inner knowing.  Our Earth, Gaia, the embodiment of Sophia (wisdom) is the only teacher we need.  We can read the book of nature for ourselves.  There is meaning in everything in nature.  We can study her book for a lifetime. Our bodies contain infinite wisdom – if only we can quiet the mind and emotions long enough and trustingly enough to hear it. If we really want to grow our consciousness and reconnect with our mother and our true nature, this is what we will do. 

Our bodies, as part of nature, are precious beyond measure.  We do not need to ‘ascend’ anywhere. We are already here and this life, in this body, is the only one we need attend to.  We may have lived countless lifetimes and have still countless more. But equally, we may not.  The ‘wisdom’ we attribute to past life learning and experience may be our innate wisdom, given to us by virtue of being born human on a profoundly conscious and aware planet.  The voice of our intuition, the one that we always realize after a harrowing episode in our lives was there in the beginning, trying to warn us, was perhaps not born of countless earthly lives and experience, but was there all along – our natural human esoteric, a gift from our compassionate creator mother.  Over time and with conscious awareness we slowly begin to lift the veils that have been deliberately put in place to prevent us from knowing the truth about who we really are.  We can spend our entire lives attending to the meanings and messages of nature and our bodies, in so doing we grow the capacity to understand the divine, the Soul consciousness that animates us and everything other living being on our planet. We may discover the true nature of light and dark (which is not what we have been told). And we may, finally know ourselves as ‘organs of divine-spiritual-cosmic cognition.’

So my message today is very simple and humbly offered.  It is not necessary to befuddle yourself with an ever-expanding smorgasbord of ‘spiritual offerings’ from the new New Age community.  Return to what is there already, inside of you.  Deepen your inner journey and your connection with Gaia-Sophia; develop trust in your Self, in your own heart wisdom.  All the rest is entertainment and distraction.  It is all becoming a bit boring really, all the ‘spiritual teachings’ out there, vying for your attention, your ‘likes’, and your money.  I guess it is all part of the journey and perhaps I shouldn’t be knocking it. Everything has its purpose right. And of course – different strokes for different folks.  But, as I’ve said before, the hour is late. We may not have the luxury of endless highways and byways and decades to analyze the deepest meanings of the signs and planets that burnt their way into our souls. (Or that ‘got our attention’). We are not in the 70’s. We are not infants and Gaia-Sophia needs us to grow up and join with her. This is a conversation we need to continue.  Please comment and let me know your thoughts. If you care to…. Thank you for reading.

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An Inverted and Crooked TruthThanks for reading Kosmic Medicine – by Lindastrologer! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. I am not a Christian, although I…




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See all

god is love Jesus wall painting during daytime

I am not a Christian, although I was brought up by good people who would have called themselves Christian…. and the local Presbyterian church featured for a few years of my childhood at least.  As my ‘spiritual questing’ life began in my teens, I was fascinated to read about religions – all religions, alongside metaphysics, astrology, healing, the occult and various forms of spirituality.  But I realized soon enough that my educational path was a good distance from an academic one and as interesting as theology was, the subjects that captivated me were very clearly non-mainstream, unorthodox to say the least and not available to study – in this country at least – at a tertiary level.  Thus began a 40 years journey of self-study into the meaning of Truth. 

I have weaved in and out of the Christian religion through the decades in an effort to unearth fact from fiction.  As a child I instinctively (and rightly) recoiled from the image of Jesus on the cross. The Lord’s prayer, the sermons and hymns all left me cold – apart from the one about love in Corinthians.   With the benefit of age and in retrospect, I can see now that what I felt back there, as an innocent child, was the unease that comes when truth has been betrayed.  None of it added up.

I tell you this by way of explanation as to my objectivity and un-indoctrination when it comes to Christianity.  I was not convinced. It was to become yet another ‘truth-untruth’ to unpick.

Fast forward to 2022 and my discovery of what I believe is one of, if not the, most important book I have ever read.  Enna Reittort’s staggeringly, mind-blowingly remarkable book ‘Krivda… The Godtrix Against the Matrix,’  is, to the truth-seeker, pure gold.  Krivda (an old Russian word meaning ‘crooked truth’) weaves together, adeptly and seamlessly the greatest of truths.  And in doing so she exposes the greatest of lies. (And it turns out I was right, the bible story is a big lie.)  Krivda is a big picture story, an ancient story of our human struggle against a force that not only planned and executed the enslavement of humanity thousands of years ago, but, as this brilliant scholar shows and tells us, it continues to this day.  The old ‘gods’ of early religion morphed into the ‘gods’ of money and then the gods of science (scientism).  The thought-forms (egregores), generated by the manipulation of our human longing for ‘connection with dimensions beyond the mundane’ first appeared as the off-planet (E.T) controlling ‘god’ Yahweh in the old testament.  Later in the new testament (completely dissonant with the old one), the life and cruel death of Jesus was reconstructed, obfuscated and manipulated to turn this truly human hero, (whose work as a political activist threatened the death cult’s ancient order) into a distorted mythological god-figure, symbolizing forevermore human victimization and the outright lies of guilt (of original sin) and salvation – ‘by a perpetual scapegoat.’

“The pragmatic manifestions of Jesus’ utterly human commitment appear to emerge from the natural human esoteric that the priests would have perceived in the man’s words and deeds.  This underlying factor would have made it imperative for them to kill the risk of its contagion by perpetuating the multiple betrayal of the man Jesus through their own un-natural esoteric.  What better method than deification to drown the power of a man’s humanity, through inversion, making him one of ‘the gods’ against whose very systems he had risen.”    (Krivda….p. 69)

Enna Reittort has drawn from the work of acclaimed biblical and historical scholars in her composition and expozay of an ‘utterly human hero’. This Jesus feels real to me.  Born into a time and place where being illegitimate (I’m sorry, the god impregnation story just doesn’t stack up) was an ‘odious situation’, the historical Jesus, (as distinct from the mythologised one) was a political activist, taking a stand against the corrupt institutions of the temple priests and Roman rule. A role no doubt stemming from and fuelled by his lowly status as ‘the lowest of the low’…. carrying the ‘guilty burden of his illegitimate sinful birth.’

I felt, on reading this, that finally, I knew who Jesus was.  This Jesus was one of us!  He took a stand against the authorities. He was courageous and defiant, a true heretic.  The real story of Jesus is a heart-breaking, human tale and one that has a powerful resonance today.  The Church and the major religions are geopolitical tools of mind control – alive and well today as the thought-forms hovering in the ethers have been built up and strengthened over the centuries.  Weekly mock cannibalistic and sacrificial ritual being enacted the world over in the Christian communion being but one example of the esoteric layering in exoteric Christianity.  Why this story is so important to know, now, is because the same forces who did this, who established and maintain a lineage of inverted truth, are still up to the same tricks – the god-trix.  Only now they have a few more tools in their arsenal. They have the gods of money and the gods of science (big med)– as well as their religious god.  The godtrix of the so-called elite (non-human) and their human proxies are part of a long-game.  And we are in the end-game of the long-game. 

So what can we take from the ‘true’ Jesus story that might help us today?

“For the power of one human to stand up to an iniquitous priestly system points to the Christ Principle as intrinsically human, not some super-natural quality of the ‘son of god’.  The Christ as truth-justice, not some fictitious ‘savior’.  A knowing, organically natural to attuned humans, not in need of sophisticated magic and esoteric casting of spells of crooked truth.  Also, the ‘anointment’ to activate the Christ Principle (since ‘christ’ means ‘anointed’) deliberately entrusted to a woman – a woman alive with the spirit to perform the gesture – speaks of an even deeper element of the natural human esoteric in Jesus, the Feminine – occulted by the priestly social order.”   (Krivda…p.68)

There is nothing new under the sun as they say.  Two thousand years later and still, the true worth and power of the feminine (women, our mother planet, Nature, Gaia-Sophia) is occulted and inverted by the ‘priestly’ (elite) order.  The Gnostic texts, discovered at Nag Hammadi in the mid 20th Century speak of a ‘Demiurge’ – a feared off-planet techno-being and his army of archons (called by different names by different cultures the world over). It could be, some say, the stealthy and nefarious demiurge and co are the priestly elite ruling over us today – by way of their advanced technological knowledge of mind control.  Jesus stood up to them two thousand years ago. He exposed their corruption and crooked truth, as a human being.  He stood for truth-justice. The Christ principle has nothing to do with god (a word that itself has a very dodgy etymology – meaning feared, demon, false-light, and never appeared in the original biblical texts).  It is a human principle, and a human path.  It is the power we have within us to integrate our traumatically dissociated past, our feminine connection with our natural mother, and become the heart-centred creatures of the Earth that we truly are.

 Kosmos  is an ancient word of Greek origin meaning the harmony in the cosmos.  It is above and beyond our scientific understanding of ‘the cosmos’ and speaks of a deeper truth.  That truth being the fundamental harmony of our universe when chaos is cleared, healed and transformed (integrated).  Make no mistake, this is a cosmic and ages old battle we are in.  And the hour is late.  It is well time for as many of us as it will take to actively expose the deceit and end the chaos engulfing us.  It is well time to heal our ancient trauma, to activate the Christ principle within us – which is to say – integrate our pain in the natural light (awareness of truth) of our natural humanity (as Earth and inter-dimensional dwellers).  If we lose our humanity, if we allow the godtrix to take us to a hellish AI existence, we lose our souls.  Our souls reside in our hearts and this is where we must begin to heal the his-story that is the story of an in-human take-over designed to dissociate us from the truth of who we are. We must connect from our hearts to our mother planet and to each other. 

We will talk more on this next time……   I leave you with one last passage from Krivda:

Integration might very well be the hidden treasure that reveals itself by the very fact of our journey of dissociation under priestly religions, predicated on keeping us internally dis-integrated in sacri-ficial separation to feed their ‘godly’ power.   Our integration is about more than just cobbling together our earthly and cosmic identities in some mental construct.  It involves a transformation in the heart, for both to be united in re-membrance of the whole that had been dis-membered. The heart is where it happens physically, emotionally and subtly – the locus of the human natural esoteric that hears the song of the cosmos, and is crucial to who-we-are….”

With heartfelt gratitude to Enna Reittort for her mind-opening book and her generosity in allowing me to share a small fragment of it here.  Thank you Enna.

Heart Power

And the Sign of the Lion

lion roaring on top of mountain during golden hour

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

(Antoine St Exupery)

Let’s talk about the heart.  It is a good time to do so, because on Friday (may be Thursday where you are) the New Moon falls in the sign of Leo – the sign that rules the heart.   Leo’s ‘body part’ rulership tells us something of this most exuberant and expressive of signs.   The sign of the lion is to do with our creativity – that which makes our hearts sing. Our innate self-expression, or the mysterious inner compulsion to express ourselves in the outer world falls under the auspices of the Sun in astrology.  Our self-expression is infused with the vibrational frequency of the sign in which the Sun falls in our own charts.  Most of us know our ‘sun signs’.  So, if you are a Pisces Sun, the way you express your inner nature will be Piscean. That is, the archetypal field of Pisces/Neptune will be conveyed through you, into the world.

The planet acting as agent to meet the needs of the sign Leo –  is the Sun. Be all and end all of our solar system. The Sun in our chart fuels our life force, our passion, our joie de vivre, our pleasure – just as the Sun generates and fuels life in this system.  It makes sense then, does it not, for the Sun to be assigned dominion of the heart in our bodies.  The physical heart is the generator of the life force, beating from the very first coalescence of cells at our beginning, until our last breath moment.  The psycho-spiritual heart is the seat of our souls.

Shamanic and indigenous grassroots cultures the world over have for millennia understood the importance of the heart.  The Heartmath Institute in America began its studies on heart coherence and the benefits to our health and wellbeing of attending to our hearts in the 90’s – bringing to our awareness a vital but long suppressed aspect of our humanity.  Timely and important – but not new. Our ancient ancestors living in shamanic cultures in deep connection with the feminine, nature and the land, understood the power of the heart– and still a sprinkling of cultures today living close to nature, on the outskirts of civilisation, do. They cultivated and practiced a path of the heart wherein the wisdom, the intelligence of the heart was held in reverence and the mind and thoughts were secondary to it.  They knew there was a power in the thoughts that arose from the heart; a power not present in mind-generated thoughts.  It was the power of a soulful consciousness. Soulful consciousness comes from the heart – the body’s soul vector.

Leo in astrology is the sign associated with worldly power.  The lion, emblem of the sign is the ‘king of the jungle’ – likewise human royalty falls under the domain of Leo.  There is a kingly, or queenly aura around Leo natives and not uncommonly a taste for ‘holding court’, for performance, drama and being the centre of attention. There is also an innate joy present in people with Leo strong. A love of life.  Bring to mind a joyful person or expression and you can sense a happy heart.  We see again the macrocosm within the body of the microcosm of man.

So what of this Leo New Moon. It may well have passed by the time you read this but that doesn’t matter. The energy of a Leo New Moon comes once a year and as it does it signals the opening of a new cycle. The cycle that begins now is one in which we are invited to create and express….and be joyful! Every sign compensates in some way for the sign that goes before it.  Cancer is the sign before Leo and we have just (July 23) emerged from a month of Cancer energy holding the reins.  Cancer is the most emotional, the most feeling of the 12 signs.  With the Sun here all of us have been experiencing heightened emotions. Are you feeling a lightening up now?  I hope so.  Of course I am generalizing here. We all have our individual charts and a multitude of (often) contradictory energies impacting our body-heart-minds. But generally speaking, there ought to be a feeling of things lightening up now that the Sun is firmly in the sign of Leo.  The New Moon on the 29th (or 28th) signifies a new cycle of joy, pleasure, creativity and fun!  Should we invite it in and allow it that is. We’ve become so tense with all of the ‘worldly developments’ that many of us are habituating to a furrowed browed unease. And indeed, soulful and reflective Cancer may have felt deeply painful for many of us as the feeling nature is not only sensitized at this time but a lot of disturbing ‘stuff’ has been happening.  Emotional defensiveness has been amped up.  We’ve armored ourselves, in true crab-like fashion – to protect ourselves from the slings and arrows coming at us. But now is the time to make an effort, if that is what it takes, to shake off that old brown overcoat and have some fun!  Did I mention fun is a Leo thing ?  Fun, joy and creativity make our hearts sing!  

We may have to dig deeper than we used to, to find and feel joy in our hearts because we’ve been shunted out of that mode.  With all the fear and anxiety inducing propaganda being continually pumped into our mind-space, we’ve been saturated in a low vibe energetic.  There is much to feel joyless about, that’s for sure – if we let ourselves go there. (I talked in an earlier post about bringing our fears and worries down into our hearts  – breathing them there.  If you tried it, you will know it is a powerful practice to dissolve painful emotions.)  Now we are officially in Leo we are being given a boost from the kosmos to be more heart-centered. 

Astrologers are talking a lot about the conjunction of Mars with the North Node and Uranus on August 2nd and how it promises to be really really volatile, explosive even.  Uranus is the planet of shocks and surprises. Anything could happen, be prepared, they say.  Uranus is also the planet of freedom, awakening and liberation!  Mars is energising that.  So what if we decide to just enJOY ourselves now, change our frequency from anxious to happy (fake it till you make it if need be) – let’s see then what happens.  We may discover a new sense of freedom and liberation! Those three (Mars, Uranus, North Node) are in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is about sensuality.  This is what we are here, in this body for! To experience the experience of being physical. To experience the delights of our senses as they perceive the bounty of our mother earth.  Nature – with her generous offerings of beauty, flavour, fragrance and feel.  We get to live the deliciousness of the smell of a rain-soaked forest; to feel the delight of a loving embrace, a soothing massage, a hot bath on a cold night, the mute awe of a spectacular sunset, to savor the taste of a ripe peach.  Or a lemon. We get to experience so much of nature’s unstinting generosity.  Every day there are a truckload of experiences our body and senses can enjoy.  And all it takes is a simple thing.  All it takes is our attention.  That’s it!  The mind, as they say, makes a wonderful servant but a terrible master.  We are so laden with mind-stuff in this so-called information age, we have forgotten how to just BE in this physical world in the pure awareness of our sensory experience. We have become so weighed down with worry for the future that our fears and our depressions have become our default mode and in doing so they have obscured the reality of actual reality.  Reality is in THIS body, in THIS physical realm.  There is no such thing as ‘virtual reality’.  Reality just is. It’s not virtual. We need to get real, get off our damn devices and come back to reality, back to the physical, sensual, lived experience of being in our bodies in and on the body of our mother planet.

And so good people, this is my wish for you now, in this new cycle of the heart-ruled Lion: BE the joy, the creativity and the sheer pleasure of life that you were gifted with when you took embodiment here. BE in the experience of your amazing body, here on earth, for this brief time. Let’s, for a time at least, put aside our knowing of what ‘they’ are trying to do and take the firm faith view that we have the power to live the joyful lives our hearts desire.  This is true soulful living.  We must believe, with every molecule of our Being that in doing so, our collective frequency will rise and as it does, magic can happen.  Let’s use this Leo month to ignite a renewed awareness of the joy of embodiment. Let’s determine to live this way going forward.  Even if we don’t ‘change’ things in the outer world (and I don’t believe that for a moment), we will feel so much happier when we live from our hearts, instead of our heads, for that is where the real power is.  Our ancestors who lived attuned to nature and her cycles knew it – our intuition, our heart-centered knowing has a power our minds do not.   

With heartfelt gratitude to you for connecting with my heart in reading these words. And may your heart be light and joy-filled with the beauty that surrounds us.

ennaWrites enna and friends Jul 28

O Kosmic Linda,

Thank you for your stellar writings – stellar in topic and in style, I mean. Reading your posts reminds me of what Phillip Lindsay writes.

As you know, astrology doesn’t do much for me since I don’t know when I was born – while you’re one who has given it much devotion and study for four decades… Hence it is a ‘system for knowing and understanding’ that is worthy of respect for its deep practitioners (it has been cheapened, alas, in the modern era).

On a theoretical level, I wonder why it does not align with sidereal astrology. I wonder about the big differences between western astrology and other major systems like the Jyotish of India.

And more than anything else, a constant question in my mind is – why is it all about how everybody/everything else out there in the kosmos affects Earth and her denizens, when it would be so interesting to know how Earth and earthlings affect the others out there?

An archontic plot to make Earth – as arch-Feminine planetary being – as passive and helpless as everything feminine during the millennia of a patriarchal paradigm?

Is Earth the only celestial body that sits solely at the receiving end of kosmic stuff?

In another post: astrology as worthy of mythos status. How would John L. Lash’s Sophia-Earth mythos fit in?

And, having read my book Krivda you know that I perceive – esoterically and rationally, without the astrologer’s skills – Earth to be a key provider of Kosmic Medicine, to quote your own title.

(Continue reading on – Kosmic Medicine by Lindastrologer)